Japanese medical symptoms and how to say them
In japan, many foreigners get confused when they go to a hospitals. Many nurses, or even college graduate doctors, don’t speak in English. Even if they could, it could turn out to be frustrating for you the patient when the doctors ask you the same word over and over again just to give you a couple of aspirin pills. So it’s better to remember some Japanese phrases in case anything bad happens to your body.
Basic Japanese phrases in hospital
頭がいたいです。 (Atamaga itai desu.) I have a headache.
ひどい咳がでます。 (Hidoi seki ga demasu.) I have a bad cough.
熱があります。 (Netsu ga arimasu.) I have a fever.
寒気がします。(samuke ga shimasu.) I feel chilly.
お腹が痛いです(Onaka ga tai des.) I have a stomachache
下痢です。 (Geri desu.) I have diarrhea.
便秘です。 (Benpi desu.) I have constipation.
吐き気がします。 (Hakike ga shimasu.) I feel nauseous.
めまいがします。 (Memai ga shimasu.) I’m dizzy.
よく眠れません。 (Yoku nemuremasen.) I can’t sleep.